David Denton

Hands-on Platform Architect / Head of Eng / Technical Advisor / Google Developer Expert / OSS Community Voice / Speaker / Trainer


Versatile, hands-on Engineering Lead, specialising in architecting Continually Delivered platforms (<15 min lead time) using heavy automation & shift-left methods, driving high team throughput and reductions in time-to-market. Extensive experience working on high visibility projects in a broad variety of industries, and building the teams to deliver them effectively.

Firm believer in promoting collaborative, test-driven approaches to produce elegant, quality-driven solutions. Confident in clearly presenting complex concepts to a variety of audiences, from teaching to conference to board-level.

International Speaker & Kotlin community lead with a focus on Open Source, and co-creator of the popular http4k toolkit - featured for its testability focus in the ThoughtWorks TechRadar. Partner with SkillsMatter to deliver Kotlin Training. In late 2020, awarded a place into the Google Developer Expert programme.

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